Check your post

Functions to be run on the path to your blog post (rendered, not the Rmd).

Best practice

ro_lint_md() should identify some potential problems and enforce:

  • the use of complete alternative descriptions for image;

  • the use of Title Case for the title;

  • the use of Sentence case for other headings;

  • the absence of “click here” as text for links;

  • the proper case (lowerCamelCase) for rOpenSci name;

  • the use of Hugo shortcodes for figures;

  • the use of Hugo shortcodes for tweets;

  • the use of relative links for links to rOpenSci website.

You need to run render_one on the path to the Markdown file. Some Markdown examples and the corresponding messages below.


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

 [rOpenSci blog](


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful Title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

Save this file under /content/blog/ in the local copy of your roweb2 fork.
{{< figure src="orange-mug-near-macbook-3219546.jpg" width="300" link="" alt="Laptop keyboard with a tree leaf beside it" class="center" caption="Another type of leaf. [Engin Akyurt on Pexels](" >}}
{{< figure src="orange-mug-near-macbook-3219546.jpg" width="300" link="" alt="Laptop keyboard with a tree leaf beside it" >}}
### Heading in sentence case

#### Another sentence as heading


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

Save this file under /content/blog/ in the local copy of your roweb2 fork.

[Cool blog](/blog/)


[Broken blog](

[Broken blog again](

Beware! If you want to generate this post from R Markdown, use the R Markdown template instead!

  Everywhere in this template (YAML, paths to images), you should change "post-template" to the slug of your post, and "2019-06-04" to the publication date.

Introduction including outline of the post.

### First awesome section

I like Hugo[^1]. Yes, that is how you add a footnote.

#### First awesome subsection of the first awesome section

Here's how to use a Hugo shortcode to add an image.

{{< figure src = "/img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png" width = "200">}}

{{< figure src = "/img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png" width = "200" alt = "too short">}}


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful Title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

Save this file under /content/blog/ in the local copy of your roweb2 fork.

### Heading in sentence case

#### Another sentence as heading

[Good link](, [Click here](, [here](


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png




<details closed>
<summary> <span title='Click to Expand'> /tmp/Rtmp6wWZVv/Rinst107463189af3/roblog/examples/ </span> </summary>


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful Title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

Save this file under /content/blog/ in the local copy of your roweb2 fork.

### Heading in sentence case

#### Another sentence as heading



slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

Save this file under /content/blog/ in the local copy of your roweb2 fork.

[Cool blog](/blog/)



[Broken blog](

[Broken blog again](

[Broken local link](/4000004/)

[Missing slash](blog)

[Bad email link]([email protected])

[Good email link](mailto:[email protected])


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

 [rOpenSci blog](

#### First awesome subsection of the first awesome section

Here's how to use a Hugo shortcode to add an image.

{{< figure src = "/img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png" width = "200">}}

{{< figure src = "/img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png" width = "200" alt = "too short">}}


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png




<details closed>
<summary> <span title='Click to Expand'> /tmp/Rtmp6wWZVv/Rinst107463189af3/roblog/examples/ </span> </summary>


slug: "post-template"
title: Wonderful title
package_version: 0.1.0
  - Author Name
date: 2019-06-04
categories: blog
  - Software Peer Review
  - R
  - community
# delete the line below
# if you have no preferred image
# for Twitter cards
twitterImg: img/blog-images/2019-06-04-post-template/name-of-image.png

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Finally... hello subtools 1.0! 🥳 Read, write and manipulate subtitles in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#rstats</a>. Substantially re-written to integrate with tidytext by <a href="">@juliasilge</a> and <a href="">@drob</a> <a href=""></a> cc <a href="">@ma_salmon</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Francois Keck (@FrancoisKeck) <a href="">November 28, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When I try to become acquainted with a new (to me) <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#rstats</a> package, I prefer to read ___________</p>&mdash; Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono) <a href="">March 2, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 

URL validity

ro_check_urls() will identify possibly broken URLs.

path1 <- system.file(file.path("examples", ""),
                                         package = "roblog")

#> • Possibly broken URLs:,
#> • Replace http with https for: